Contains 13 programs:
Alphabetically | Complexity |
AccelKeyCheck |
Light |
Click here for download (and here for source code).
The author's utilities not included in this package:
HlpToChm Tools
PoNewEdit, UpdatePoFile
Users: Programmers or people that translate programs windows and that they assign hot keys to access to the different window visible components.
The objective is to see what hot keys are assigned and which are not, when the window has enough controls (otherwise this program is unnecessary since, with a quick look one can see if there is some repeated letter or, if they are assigned, to see which letters suit without making a mistake).
If for you it is very important for you (and use Delphi) look for how adapt your program, using JMNBl or JMNTntBl.
Users: General programmers.
It only adds a correlative number at the end of the lines. It can be of interest (as it is shown in the example) for the design of the references for the help system.
Users: Programmers of Delphi / Lazarus.
Used in the creation of the resourcestring of contained strings inside the code.
Steps to carry out, with an example:
1. Assign ArrangePhrase the initial string: RS.
2. Supposition the code:
ShowMessage ('Too many characters in the string');
Cut to the clipboard 'Too many characters in the string'.
3. Another time in ArrangePhrase: click A. It will appear: RS_TooManyCharactersInTheString. You can clip it if you want and to leave it as: RS_TooManyCharsInString. Click 1.
4. Now in the source code editor, puts the cursor after ( and paste the clipboard text, it will appear:
ShowMessage (RS_TooManyCharsInString);
5. In ArrangePhrase click 2.
6. Pastes the text (RS_TooManyCharsInString = 'Too many characters in the string';) to the program StayOnTopTxt (or another text editor).
Repeat the process with other strings starting from the point 2. Finally, and logically, paste the strings of StayOnTopTxt as resourcestring at the beginning of the unit.
Users: Programmers.
Some friend (or you?) has looked for the calendar in your computer and he/she has been changed the computer date for a future date, without realizing. Then you would want to change the file dates (of files that you have created or changed later on) for the corresponding date: this is the objective of this program.
Users: Programmers of Delphi / Lazarus.
It builds the basic structure:
1: of the procedures, functions, constructors and destructors (for the implementation).
2: of the properties (for the interface).
It allows to incorporate preset code lines (for loops and of separation, a little better than the IDE).
From a hotkey, it copies (e.g.:Ctrl+PgUp):
Alphabetical sort:
In this last sort, allows, e.g.:
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, FClHlpSF, StdCtrls, StdCtrls, JvExStdCtrls, Classes, JvButton, JvCtrls;
to convert it to:
Classes, Controls, Dialogs, Forms, Graphics, Messages, StdCtrls, SysUtils, Variants, Windows, JvButton, JvCtrls, JvExStdCtrls, FClHlpSF;
Or, according to the option, at:
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, FClHlpSF, StdCtrls, StdCtrls, JvExStdCtrls, Classes, JvButton, JvCtrls;
Possibility of changes in multiple files of the above mentioned and annotation of the name of the constructor, destructor, procedure or function between the (closing) end word and the semicolon.
procedure A begin ... ... end;
to annotate:
procedure A
end {A};
Change of assignment order of parameters. E.g. A1 := B1 -> B1 := A1.
Only the unusual commands:
Mini translator that uses the Google Translator (for that very reason, requires to be connected to the network).
Copy the word (or phrase/s) from the clipboard directly as a word to be translated and, in turn, the translated word (or phrase/s) is/are copied to the clipboard. Press F1 to see the options. It is resizable.
Users: General programmers.
It allows to change in an automatic way the lines indent of a source code so that they have the two indent spaces (the standard).
After press Unindent:
Users: Programmers of Delphi.
It allows to change the numbers assigned to the ImageIndex of the pas and dfm files. That can being of interest if you want to restructure a TImageList.
Users: Programmers of Delphi / Lazarus.
Small utility to extract the text values from a dfm / lfm, and then to generate an internationalization with the resourcestring.
1) Generate a resourcestring list to make easy the translation, to save in a rsi file or in a Memo to copy.
2) Generate the assignments using the resourcestring generated in 1) for OnCreate of the Form, to save in a cre file or in a Memo to copy.
Users: General programmers.
Many programs allow the file search according to some conditions.
What does this program incorporate?:
You can add exclusion file mask. (A).
Search in diverse directories (including or not, and individually, the subdirectories). (B).
This directory list can be saved and reloaded (C).
Different options, for different texts to search: required condition: AND (D), optional condition: OR (E). It admits regular expressions.
You can add or delete of the obtained list any files, for later analysis or changes. (F).
New searches can be carried out on the list obtained previously (G).
File records can be marked (H).
Replacing a word list by other words or text (I).
Automatic search (J):
Of the first one (or last) occurrence when you changes the file (in the selection of the central panel).
Also option of automatically searcing in the next (or previous) file of the list, when it is not more found text in the current file.
You can use a second text to look for in the files (K).
Quick alternative replacement (up to three options) for the find (or selected) text. (L).
Users: General programmers.
It's a little text editor that ever stay on top. When you press control key with double-clic, it select only a word (without spaces), and includes the character '_'; then the selected word is copied to clipboard automatically.
Multiple options including: rtf text and multiple pages:
It displays the Unicode characters, with:
Localization to the table of the text characters.
Groups marking (in the image, the Georgian has been marked): language blocks, general categories, grouping of general categories and writing direction. Finding the first element of each group, or the first of the following groups.
Easy copy to the clipboard of the character, or their decimal number or hexadecimal.
Users: Programmers of Delphi / Lazarus.
Allow you to select a unit in a large project (or the same project) and find out which other units are using it. This is useful for housekeeping large projects where some units may become redundant. Also the program can search all units that contains resourcestrings.
With Windows Vista, Microsoft don't give support to the helps with hlp format, this forces to change to the chm format that, in fact, is better. Several commercial programs that make easy the change exist. HlpToChm Tools are a programs set of open source programs (in Delphi), that I use.
Independently of the conversion, one of the programs (ArrangeLinks) allows to check the links of the href anchors and images from htm files group of a hhp project.
The first program is for program translators and the second one for programmers. They are an alternative editors to Poedit.