TntEx Update from original Francisco Leong's TntEx by.
If you have installed Francisco Leong's TntEx package ( ) previously. Uninstall them and delete or save in other place the referred directories.
Install the last JVCL library , 3.37 or later ( ).
If is necessary uninstall old library.
From Environment Options window of Delphi IDE: Add the directory in Library Path: $(DELPHI)\Lib\jvcl\Resources ($(DELPHI)\Lib\jvcl\run always required).
Copy all the files and directories inside to one directory, for example in $(DELPHI)\Lib\TntEx.
Open Packages\TntEx_X0.bpg and compile the packages sequentially.
Obviously, from Environment Options window of Delphi IDE: Add the directory in Library Path: $(DELPHI)\Lib\TntEx\Source.
If you want that your program can be used in languages in that one writes from right to left: TTntBitBtn2 exchanges blGlyphRight and blGlyphLeft automatically in the Glyph Layout when BiDiMode is changed (for example, when Application.BiDiMode := bdRightToLeft)
It adds:
OnKeyPressW: TTntKeyPressEvent, where TTntKeyPressEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var Key: WIDECHAR) of object;
TTntStrings2 enables to load a file forcing with another TTntStreamCharSet. For example: .po Files (poEdit) usually don't contains a correct ByteOrderMark: you can load them correctly with LoadFromFileSCS(Filename,csUtf8).
It adds: TTntMetafile.
It adds:
OnKeyPressW: TTntKeyPressEvent, where TTntKeyPressEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var Key: WIDECHAR) of object;
It adds: Alignment and OnKeyPressW
With TTntLabel2 you can easily add several lines in design time.
A several updates for date handling: formats methods and WideString support, also you can call GetMonthDayNamesW from resources without to change the OS language.
A several functions for number conversions, as WStrToInt, IntToWStr, FormatFloatW, for real Unicode strings use.
Update from last version (3.2) and WideString support of homonymous JVCL components:
TTntJvLabel, TTntJvPanel, TTntJvGroupBox.
TTntJvButton, TTntJvBitBtn, TTntJvImgBtn, TTntJvSpeedButton.
TTntJvCheckBox, TtntJvRadioButton, TTntJvRadioGroup, TTntJvEdit, TTntJvMemo, TTntJvFilenameEdit, TTntJvDirectoryEdit, TTntJvDateEdit, TTntJvCheckListBox, TTntJvCheckedComboBox, TTntJvSpinEdit, TTntJvTimeEdit, TTntJvComboBox, TTntJvColorComboBox and TTntJvFontComboBox.
TTntJvMainMenu, TTntJvPopupMenu.
Sometimes I'm used previous Francisco Leong's adaptation.
Update from last version (3.2) and WideString support of homonymous database JVCL components:
TTntJvDBComboBox, TTntJvDBLookupCombo, TTntJvDbLookupList, TTntJvDBLookupEdit, TTntJvDBSpinEdit.
TTntJvDBGridS, is a lower version of TJvDBGrid. It supports OnGetCellParams, that enables you to change the background and font of a single cell according to field value. Look at example with use of calculate WideStringField.
TTntDBRecCountLabel is a simple label with a RecNo/RecordCount (useful for DBGrid forms).
TtntDynLookupComboBox, TTntValueComboBox.
TTntDBNavigator, TTntDBNavigatorEx, TTntDBDynLookupComboBox, TTntDBGridEx, TTntDBEditEx.
TTntADOQuery, TTntADOStoredProc.